Eterno Realty Group Blog

Monthly Business Spotlight Maggie Eterno Monthly Business Spotlight Maggie Eterno

June Local Spotlight | Adventure Bags

We are thrilled to feature Adventure Bags and their amazing CEO, Misty Manus. Misty shares her inspiring story of compassion and dedication, having served in various leadership roles before becoming the first full-time Executive Director of Adventure Bags, Inc. in 2022. Founded in 2011, Adventure Bags provides essential items and comfort to children during their first 24-48 hours of displacement, partnering with numerous agencies to support vulnerable children in Georgia.

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Monthly Business Spotlight Maggie Eterno Monthly Business Spotlight Maggie Eterno

May Local Spotlight | Serenity Sunset Ranch

ERG is excited to introduce Stacey Baxter from Serenity Sunset Ranch. Stacey leads a vital nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting children in our community who are facing challenging circumstances. Through her work at the ranch, she provides a safe and supportive environment where children can connect with horses. Horses are known for their sensitivity to human emotions and interactions and play a crucial role in the healing and growth of the children at Serenity Sunset Ranch. Learn more!

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